We’re looking forward to meeting you.

Finding a new groomer can be stressful.
We’re here to make sure you and your pup feel comfortable!

This page covers a variety of topics you might be wondering about before reaching out to book with us for the first time.
From policies and procedures to dog health/hygiene, we’ve tried to cover a bit of everything!

  • "All Inclusive" What does that mean?

    While all our services, ranging from a bath to a full hair cut, are all inclusive, we would like to note that this is based off of a coat in good condition or “bath ready condition”.

    If the coat is tangled or excessively matted, these things add prep time before the pet can be bathed. Dematting fees are for this extra time that it takes to ensure that each pet will receive a thorough wash and proper coat prep for the betterment of skin and coat health.

    Ultimately, skin and coat health is why we price our grooming as ‘all inclusive’. Each pet is evaluated to determine which products will be most beneficial. Every groom includes teeth brushing, a facial, ear cleaning, toe nails trimmed and filed (and so much more). There is no extra charge for these services because we believe to maintain optimal health and wellness each pet needs these services.

  • Dematted vs Shaved

    How we determine what service is needed. First and foremost, we will always put humanity before vanity, the comfort and overall health of your dog comes first. There are many factors that we, as professionals, consider while determining what is best for matted pets. Will they tolerate de-matting? If yes, will their skin tolerate it? With our products and skill it IS possible to work out SOME matting.

    Generally speaking de-matting is hard on a groomers body and usually found in sensitive areas (like the ears, armpits, between the toes), therefore we don’t do very much of it. Please visit our services page to see the cost and time limits we offer on de matting services.

    If a pets coat is excessively matted or completely pelted, it will need to be shaved and started again as de-matting would be far to painful and not an option. We will never do this without consent and proper client education.

    Keeping your pet on a routine that meets our client requirements should mean minimal matting or catching it early enough to avoid the dreaded shave down.

    Not sure what type of brush/comb your dogs needs? Or how often you should be using such tools….Just ask!

  • Puppies

    We like to think of the first couple sessions with us more of a training session. This allows them to experience the sights and smells and sensations of the grooming process, without the stress and expectation that they sit through a full groom.

    It is recommended that you start your puppy’s grooming exposure at home with regular brushing and combing. This gets them used to being handled and touched in areas that might not be touched otherwise (like their feet or tails). We handle and touch your dog literally from nose to toes so its important they’re used to this.

    Knowing when to book an appointment is an important question, learning from a young age sets them up for a long life of successful and stress free/fear free grooming. We recommend the first grooming session at 10-13 weeks.

    Once those first couple sessions are complete we will discuss with you a future routine/maintenance schedule based on your pets needs.

    If you are late to the party (your dog is over 5 months of age never been groomed), we’ve got you! Your dog will likely require some extra patience (and maybe some extra treats). We will NEVER force a dog through something it is not ready for. We will however work with you to get your dog where it needs to be! Any other questions or concerns about puppy grooming please don’t hesitate to ask. Puppies are one of our favourite stages to get to know, we’re proud to have clientele we’ve seen from puppy to senior.

  • Senior Pets

    You might wonder what age is considered a senior? Small breeds are considered senior dogs around 10-12 years old. Medium size breeds are considered senior dogs around 8-10 years old. Large and giant breeds are considered senior dogs around 8 years old.

    For dogs, aging into the golden years looks similar to human aging. Some dogs stay active and spry-minded while others become arthritic and senile. This is just the natural process of growing older. We loved them from puppyhood through becoming a senior so their care should never diminish.

    Should Senior dogs still see the groomer? The answer is unabatedly yes! Grooming is essential throughout a dog’s whole life but can be especially important as a dog gets older. A grooming session is the best time to note any changes in a dog’s health. Daily grooming routines transition into recognizing health issues your dog may be facing. Often, underlying health issues are revealed through the state of the skin and coat. Coats can begin thinning, and skin irritations, growths, or lumps begin to appear. Senior dogs are also susceptible to arthritis, joint issues, and dementia.

    Here at Plush Paws we have an extra patient and caring hand for senior pets. Mobile grooming can be a great option for a senior dog who can’t tolerate the drive and/or the busy salon setting anymore. While we do our best to ensure the safest and most enjoyable visit we don’t fuss over every little hair anymore. A seniors groom goes as far as they will tolerate, just as with puppies, we will NOT force a dog through anything it is not comfortable with.

  • Underlying Conditions

    We see your pets multiple times a year, sometimes weekly! We will always note and inform you of any abnormalities that we may come across. Please know that photos and videos may be taken in order to document for our pet parents and their veterinarians. With each pet receiving such an in-depth evaluation and thorough grooming, there is little that we miss!

    (ex. ear infections, sebaceous cysts, fleas/ticks, new bumps and growths, tar tar build up. etc.)

    We are not veterinarians and can not diagnose any concerns. However, many years of experience has given us the knowledge to help educate and guide our clients. There isn’t much we have not seen!

  • Service Refusal

    In the rare occurrence that we believe it would not be beneficial for your pet to receive services, we do reserve the right to refuse servicing that animal.

    Things like active infections, open sores and flea infestations are examples of things we may refer to your veterinarian to receive grooming clearance.


Client Requirements

  • All Tidy Paws(full groom) clients must be on a 4, 6 or very rarely 7 week schedule.

  • The van will need a flat/level surface to park on with easy accessibility. Either a clear space on your driveway or close to your home on the street will work.

  • We can not accommodate dogs with fleas. If fleas are found a cleaning fee will be applied ($15).

  • There is a weight limit for all services of 65lbs. (Nail trim exception)

  • Appointments will have a 1 hour arrival window to account for traffic and weather conditions.

  • Cancellations must be made at least 48 hours ahead of your appointment. Failure to provide 48 hours notice will require a 50% payment of service before rescheduling.

  • In the event of inclement weather, a family emergency, illness or any other uncontrollable circumstance please try your best to give as much cancellation notice as possible. Being courteous is a two way street and we are all human. We will also do my best to give as much notice in the event I need to cancel an appointment. Every effort will be made to reschedule at a time convenient for both the client and the groomer.

  • When snow falls please ensure there is a clear space to park and a clear path to get to and from your door. We will work in rain or snow so long as we have safe surroundings to do so. If we arrive and there is not a clear space your appointment will be cancelled and you will have to rebook.

The first step to secure an appointment with us is to fill out a New Client Inquiry Form. This will include questions about your location, preferred grooming frequency and of course all about your dog!

Feel free to include as much detail as possible; We love getting to know your pets and what makes them unique! You’ll receive a response to your inquiry in 1-2 days with a prompt to book an appointment.